Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Other Things

Yeah, I'm still alive...just learning that some things need to take a backseat for awhile so that I can enjoy life here and not just survive it.

So I am busy reading this and this and this...all well worth your time. And I am purging and cleaning and organizing and preparing. Oh, and of course checking ESPN every few hours to find out the latest news about my team. Also spending a lot of time praying for this and for my cousin who landed in Haiti just in time to see the airport collapse and is at an orphanage right now. Mostly, I am trying to enjoy my boys some more and invest in them while they are young enough to let me.

I will check in every once in awhile and hope to use this space to contemplate Lent a bit. I'm still reading your blogs, even if not commenting. Wishing you a lovely winter!

1 comment:

Gary said...

Silence is one of the most provocative stories I've ever read. I find myself bringing it up in conversations regularly.