The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men...
- pick boys up at preschool
- unload groceries
- read books with boys
- settle Hobbes in bed while Calvin has quiet time
- settle Calvin down for a nap
- do some work and rest a bit
- put bread in bread machine for dinner
- have snack time and do a craft for Daddy's birthday
- pick up veggie box from CSA
- cook dinner to serve with yummy bread while boys play or watch video
- welcome hubby home for dinner and birthday
- pick up boys from preschool
- unload groceries
- read books with boys
- settle Hobbes in bed while Calvin has quiet time (so far so good)
- casually mention to Calvin that he might want to try a nap
- spend next 30 minutes trying to calm Calvin's emotional meltdown and convince him that holding him gently is not hurting him, just keeping him from hurting himself or me
- send Calvin to bed with a book while I rock a completely awake Hobbes to sleep
- spend another hour alternately listening to Calvin melt down, bursting into tears myself, having a discussion with Calvin about speaking respectfully, trusting Mommy, not being violent, and finding healthy ways to express his emotions
- leave room having completely given up
- return when a calmed Calvin asks for help sleeping, even though it is really too late for him to nap
- enjoy 15 minutes of detox time until Hobbes wakes up, having wet himself and his bed
- change Hobbes and give him a snack, forget to feed self and baby
- rouse Calvin from bed just in time to run out for CSA box
- return to wash wet bedclothes in time for bed tonight, realize I am starving
- throw children on hubby as soon as he comes home and heat up leftovers for dinner
Oh, no! I suppose we've all had days like that. But look at the good side - you had leftovers to serve! **grin**
Go to bed, get a good night's sleep and start over tomorrow.
I feel for you, feel for you, been there, been there.
Hope they were comforting left overs.
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