Monday, June 8, 2009

If Only Linus Had Teeth...

Been a little depressing around here lately, I know. I don't think I realized how much lack of sleep was contributing to the problem until Linus started sleeping a bit better. Since about 3 month he had been up every two to three hours and eating most of those times. It's been getting better since he started solid food, and the past few nights, we have gotten stretches of five or more hours out of him. It seems all he needed was some food other than breastmilk.

Though he would love to eat anything he sees (he was coveting the toddlers' Goldfish crackers in church on Sunday), we are still limiting him to baby food. I say "limiting" very loosely since he eats two full jars of it mixed with rice cereal every day. He would eat more if I let him, but I would like to keep him nursing if I can. He also attacked the sippy cup of water today like he had never had a drink in his life, despite the fact that all of his food until a few weeks ago has come in liquid form.

You might think that all of my new energy from sleep would be used up just feeding our little human vaccuum, but I am actually starting to remember what it's like to enjoy life and cooking and doing things other than nursing and sitting around depressed. It's nice.

We joined our CSA again this year, and we are starting to get some really good produce (stuff other than just greens). Last week, we ordered some zucchini in our box, the first of the year. It's been sitting in my fridge until today waiting for inspiration.

The boys and I mixed up a double batch of these this afternoon, substituting applesauce for half of the oil. Yum! You can never go wrong with muffins. And we had this pasta dish for dinner. I substituted a can of diced tomatos for the tomato soup. I loved this dish, and the kids and husband ate it, though it wasn't their favorite. Poor Linus, he would have been happy to finish off the leftovers if only he had teeth...

This is definitely my favorite time of year for seasonal cooking, when so much produce is available. What about you? What's on your table these days?


Ellen said...

Thanks for the link to the zucchini muffin recipe! We're starting to get zucchini in our garden and I'm pretty sure I'll be overwhelmed with them and this is a wonderful way to use them!

Tipper said...

Glad to hear you're getting more rest! I'm waiting on all that fresh garden produce. Our spring things are gone-now I can't wait for tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, and corn.