Thursday, June 4, 2009

Post Partum Depression...

As a friend of mine at church pointed out, she sometimes wonders why God doesn't give new mothers a bit of a break. You come home exhausted from labor only to be faced with little sleep, crazy hormones, painful nursing, and a constantly needy baby. I know I am five months out and things should be better. They are to some extent. But the sleeplessness and crazy hormones can go away anytime they want. Really, they can.


Anonymous said...

Having suffered 'only' from normal depression in the past, and in a time when I could focus on myself and do everything I needed to do to feel better without having other people depending on me, I can't begin to imagine how difficult it must be in your situation. My heart always goes out to mothers who suffer ppd. You've come to my mind a lot recently during my morning prayers, and I just want you to know I'm holding you in my thoughts.


evenshine said...

Mothering and complaining come close in many situations! It's good that you have the guts to say what you're dealing with. Get support- don't be too proud to say yes to friends who offer- and do the things that make you feel "normal". And speak to your OB or midwife. Don't do it alone, because you don't have to. Blessings.

Anonymous said...

yep. you forgot the c-section scar, too.