Sunday, March 1, 2009

In Like a Lion...

We are having some nasty weather here for the beginning of March. It is just above freezing with some fierce rain that is supposed to turn to sleet and then snow. Say what you will about the cold of the Midwest, but I would take the cold and snow to rain that is barely above freezing any day! (Of course, I would never trade the rest of our weather for that in the Midwest...)

The whole weekend has been this miserable rainy-ness, and I am looking at a possible snow day tomorrow, meaning no preschool. That could leave me pretty grumpy, especially since Monday is the only morning I have home alone. But I am really, really trying to work on having a more cheerful attitude and enjoying my kids. Really. So, for your benefit and mine, I share two funny conversations from the weekend at our house. Here's to laughter and to this month going out like a lamb!

Daddy: "Honey, I'm doing multiplication with Calvin. I think he's getting it!"
Daddy (a little later): "Now we're doing division. He just told me that 8 divided by 3 is 2 with 2 remainders!"
Calvin (later in the day, holding up the sheet of paper that they had been working division on): "Can we PLEASE do some more math, Daddy?"
Daddy: "Well, if you're really good the rest of the day, we can do more as a treat."
Calvin: squeals of delight


Hobbes (snuggling with the baby in my bed while I was getting dressed this morning): "Mommy, why are you covering up the baby's milk?"
Mommy: roaring laughter and complete inability to answer question, making a mental note to be more intentional about teaching anatomical vocabulary

If only they could keep this innocence about life and excitement about learning...but they will too soon become young men. I'm trying to enjoy them now so that I can enjoy them then, without regrets about the past.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

as i sit here nursing the baby, z is patiently waiting to do math :)